iPod on shuffle, my eclectic music collection, and a hefty, happy dose of nitrous oxide, while two women whom I don't know all that well used sharp and spinning instruments in my mouth combined to give me a surreal and delightful two-hour cruise. Unlike Gilligan's crew, I have returned. I share with you the playlist. I assume you won't get the same effect I did, but it's the best I can offer without a license to practice dentistry.
Jimi Hendricks Experience: Voodoo Chile
Louis Prima: Angelina-Zooma Zooma
Louis Armstrong: Body and Soul
Carmen Miranda: Mama Eu Quero
Doc Watson: June Apple
Bob Dylan and The Band: It Ain't Me Babe (from Before the Flood)
Carmen Miranda: Weekend in Havana
Count Basie: Miss Thing
Frankie Trumbauer and His Orchestra: (Keep Your) Sunny Side Up
Bob Dylan and The Band: Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine)
London Sinfonietta: Lullaby of Broadway (this 15-minute modern stereo performance transcribed from the soundtrack of Busby Berkeley's 42nd Street was the most surreal, thrilling, and endless passage).
The Beatles: Your Mother Should Know (the loopy version from Anthology)
David Holmes: Let's Get Killed
Red Nichols and His Five Pennies: Yaaka Hula Hickey Dula
Isley Brothers: Twist and Shout
Jelly Roll Morton and His Red Hot Peppers: Blue Blood Blues
At which point I was filled. Really filled.
Ah...The occasional trip to the dentist. So enjoyable. NOT! I have gone almost everyweek for the last month. Just for simple tinkering but its a little more complicated for me since I have a tolerance like no other to pain killers and such. So instead of perhaps 1-2 shots in the gummy I get a min. of 4. Yes very enjoyable. I never get tired of drooling on myself.
Sorry that it takes so much to get you painfree. (I need a lot, as well). But that's one of the great things about the Nitrous Oxide. It creates a surprising sense of detachment. I keep thing, "Oooh, that really hurts... someone."
I used to listen to The Beatles - Your Mother Should Know on repeat for hours on end. Even just reading that song in your list has gotten that song stuck in my head again. I heart that song. ;)
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